Wow, hisashiburi!

November 27, 2009 ellagoesglobal

Hello everyone! Yes, yes I know..its been a long time. Nearly 2 months in fact! That is pretty appalling of me, but nevermind. Water under the bridge?

My word, its been a complete rollercoaster this last month and a half, what with having a somewhat tedious relationship with a japanese dentist (I should add, it is purely professional. He does have an unhealthy obsession with root canal treatment though); suffering from serious “This language is so hard” blues; but enjoying such wonders as being able to speak in front of about 300 people and Princess Takamado on behalf of Britain, and doing a gig! It’s been go, go, go here…although in truth, for a month and a half, not that much has happened.

Right, so let’s crack on. I have started classes! They are going okay, but I do sometimes wonder why I study this language when it gets ridiculously difficult. They’re conducted purely in japanese, which from one angle is great practice, however, having new japanese grammar explained to you in very fast japanese seems a slightly wonky deal. We, being everybody who is in the class, often end up leaving the class filled with self-loathing and the need to jump from a very high balcony. Our confidence is somewhat obliterated by having teachers whittle away at us via means of incessant incomprehensible language “explanations” for an hour and half.
I am possibly being slightly harsh – I did imagine I would have to self-study, but I did not imagine I would have to teach myself everything again that we are meant to be learning in class.

Anyway, about the dentist.

Haruda-sensei, a very nice man, who delights in telling me about British vegetables, and drilling in to my head through my teeth. One night, I went out for a meal in Shinjuku, with all the Leeds lot as well as my wonderful friend Satomi-chan. I took one bite of my food, and it felt as if my face had exploded on one side. The pain was excruciating, I was left a quivering wreck, and while everyone enjoyed their meal, I watched. Hungry, but unable to eat. I realised that I would have to visit a Japanese dentist, or it’d be death by face explosion. However, visiting a Japanese dentist was pretty much the main criterion when it came to “What to avoid when in Japan”.
My tutor, Murakami-san, a god amongst men, got me an appointment as soon as he could. Still in awful pain three days later, I finally got to go to the dentist. Haruda-sensei whisked me away to have an x-ray, at least I guessed it was an x-ray, he made me put my head in a weird machine. He explained to me what was happening in Japanese, but my head was throbbing from the pain and I wasn’t listening.
After about 5 minutes he came back and said “Abscess desune” at which point my heart sank. I had an abscess. GREAT. He waffled on for about 5-10 minutes in technical japanese I didn’t understand. The only word I kept hearing, mangled by the japanese accent, was “Root Canal Treatment”. So….I was having to have root canal treatment, by a dentist who couldn’t tell me what was happening, in a crazy country. Not how I expected to be spending my November.

Things got worse. The pain didn’t go away, despite the dentist poking and drilling and doing all sorts. So I had the interesting experience of buying Japanese painkillers. If you only take one piece of advice from me, never buy painkillers in Japan. It’ll make you want to weep. Firstly, they are so weak. The packet recommends taking one tablet, which did nothing, because they have just over half the amount of paracetamol in them than that of just one british tablet. And obviously in Britain you would usually take 2, so it doesn’t surprise me now that taking only one did nothing. So I took at least three each time. Secondly, they are SO expensive. For about 20 tablets, that lasted me one day, £7!  Never take 25p packets of paracetamol for granted, people!

After another day of horrendous pain, I was becoming suicidal. And then my face swelled up. I had an infection which had spread to my jawbone! Which I had to try and explain on multiple occasions in Japanese. I went back to the dentist who put me on industrial, heavy duty antibiotics, and he slit my gum to relieve the infection. Now, this would be an awful thing to go through if I was at home. Or even in Leeds. But in Japan? It was horrific. I just wanted a never-ending cuddle. Things are on the mend now! Woopie!! I may not be able to tell you about what my best friend’s hobby is in Japanese, but I can sure as hell tell you about the symptoms and subsequent treatment of an infection!


I had my first gig performing solely my own songs! It was an amazing experience. A couple of the guys from Leeds and I went to a gig in Shibuya, for singer-songwriters, which was good, full of westerners, but good none-the-less. I got chatting to a musician from Oxford named Joe, who introduced me to his manager after I told him I have once or twice dipped my toes in the singer-songwriter pool. He was great, and we chatted for a while, and he said “So, are you looking to gig?” and I replied “I would love to! I just need to find some places…” to which he said “Oh, well, you can go on next, if you like?”. I was shocked and excited and nauseous all at the same time. “I don’t have a guitar…” and Joe darted in with “I do! Use mine!” so I did. It was….amazing! I don’t know what everyone thought of my songs, but it just felt so good to be up there and playing them in front of people! I would very much like to do it again. A few of the people who watched me gave me their cards, and offered me a few more gigs, so watch this space, Tokyo!

And so…apart from obvious illness, and hard work, everything is going well! I miss Britain terribly…the cheese, the curry, the muffins, the crumpets, the tea…and many more things. However despite all this, and Japan’s frustratingly challenging nature, I love it here still.

I promise I’ll update sooner next time! Speak to you all soon!

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2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Lucy  |  November 27, 2009 at 22:54

    POOOOR Ella!! I feel so sorry for you and your mouth! I can sympathize as i had serious mouth issues recently but i had the advantage of a British handsome dentist! Not much has changed in old Britain cold and the like! Well done on your gig it sounds AMAZING! I am soooo proud of you i miss listening to you and beautiful voice over a cuppa whilst you dad is banjo-ing away!! Is there anyway i can ring you i want to be able to ring you on Christmas day so you can have your oral Christmas present!! Love you!
    p.s chin up one day you’ll wake up and be able to speak japan talk fluently!!!

  • 2. dave valentine  |  November 28, 2009 at 02:16

    hi ella ,very good web page ,enjoyed reading it ,pam n i are looking after your mum ,well drinking and playing indoor cricket @ the strand with her ,lol, you will get spotted one day for your obvious singing and playing talent ,we wish you well ,and look forward one day to having back stage passes to your gigs lol ,you take care , see you soon dave n pam vally xx

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